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Read our latest advice and updates.
GSCOP information
Our commitment to the Code
We've appointed an internal Code Compliance Officer, Saleem Chowdhery.
Saleem is the Group Director of Risk and Internal Audit. He knows our food business
well, but is independent of it.
Saleem is your contact for any queries about the Code and the Order and their impact on your relationship with us. He's also available to discuss any formal decisions we make in areas covered by the Code or the Order.
Click here to view a video message from Saleem.
GCA Survey 2025
The GCA's annual survey is now live and closes on Sunday 23 February.​
We strongly encourage you to have your say by completing the survey. Your feedback helps us to improve our ways of working with you, our supplier partners.
​Contact us
You can contact Saleem by email:
or by post: 1 Angel Square, Manchester, M60 0AG.
If you have feedback about our buying team
If you have feedback about your relationship with our buying team, please email
This includes feedback on our compliance with the Code and the Order. Mark it for the attention of the "Code Compliance Officer" and use the subject line "FEEDBACK."
Code compliance officers will keep issues confidential. They'll ensure you won't face consequences for raising issues.
Useful links